Blog en el que el alumnado del máster de Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad de Córdoba publica el resultado final de dos de las tareas: Elaboración de microactividades comunicativas basadas en el PEL y secuencias de currículum integrado.

domingo, 10 de marzo de 2019

Dreams, wishes and hopes regarding health and fitness. Spoken interaction B1

What are your dreams, wishes and hopes regarding health and fitness for this year?
Spoken Interaction, 

By Beatriz García Espejo and Cristóbal López Castellano

1 comentario:

  1. Although I couldn´t find the descriptor in the list of the ELP descriptors, I would say this belongs to a B1 level. Remember that microactivities are based on A descriptor, for A skill, and A level. I mean, only one, and you have chosen two levels.
    In fact, you can go on working with the same descriptors in different levels (as a means to reinforce and/or deepen prior habilities), but originally wishes and hopes are not A2.
    The rest is perfectly correct!! Good job!
